Candidatos: Rick Jansons

1.       What position are you running for?  State Legislator, 8th District, Position 1
1.       Para que posicion se postula?  Legislador Estatal, 8vo Distrito, Posicion 1
2.       Why do you think Hispanics should know about the position you are running for? This position is important because the legislature directly impacts our families and communities with their decisions on education, economic empowerment, and equity for all of our citizens.
3.       Why are you running for this position? I am running because I believe the legislature is failing to meet their constitutional mandate to fully fund basic education.  As the current Richland School Board President, I know that state funding falls short of what our schools need.  I will work to change that in the legislature.
4.       For the Hispanic community, what do you view to be the most important agenda items you will take action on if you get elected? My top priority is to fully fund education for ALL of our children and communities, with great schools no matter where you live.  Education is the key to our future, and the best way to empower our youth!
5.       Any additional message you wish to share with the Hispanic Voter? For 15 years I’ve served on the Richland School Board and have always listened to and worked with the people in our community.  I pledge to work for our community, and NOT for special interests or political parties.
5.       Tiene algun mensaje especial que desee compartir con los votantes Hispanos? Durante 15 años he servido en el Richland School Board, y siempre hemos escuchado y trabajado con la gente de nuestra comunidad. Me comprometo a trabajar para nuestra comunidad, y no para intereses especiales o partidos políticos.

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