Candidatos: Ramiro Valderrama

CANDIDATOS Ramiro Valderrama – Deputy Mayor of Sammamish
1.       What position are you running for? State Representative  45th LD position 1
1.       Para que posicion se postula? Representate Estatal, Distritro 45to, Posicion 1
2.       Why do you think Hispanics should know about the position you are running for? The Latino community in the State of WA is grossly under represented.  I would be the only male Latino in the state legislature.
3.       Why are you running for this position? I want to make sure that everyone’s voice is heard and valued by their state government and the Government is responsive to the people’s needs with accountability
4.       For the Hispanic community, what do you view to be the most important agenda items you will take action on if you get elected? I will work on real transit solutions and congestion to make it easier for workers to get to and from work in the shortest time and lowest cost that eases their quality of life.
5.       Any additional message you wish to share with the Hispanic Voter? The Latino community needs greater representation and sensitivity to our community, professional and family issues.
5.       Tiene algun mensaje especial que desee compartir con los votantes Hispanos? La comunidad Latina necesita mayor representacion y sensibilidad para los asuntos comunitarios, profesionales y familiares.

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