Candidatos: Lisa Wellman

1.       What position are you running for? Senate, 41st Legislative District
1.       Para que posicion se postula? Senador Estatal, 41ro Distrito
2.       Why do you think Hispanics should know about the position you are running for? If I win, Democrats will lead the Senate. We will be able to finally make progress on fully funding schools, paid family and sick leave, and critical infrastructure investments.
3.       Why are you running for this position? My parents taught me that I am here to make a difference and use my life well. I believe that when you can make things better you must take action.
4.       For the Hispanic community, what do you view to be the most important agenda items you will take action on if you get elected? I will put education first so our schools are finally worthy of our kids and restructure our tax system to support small business and the middle class.
5.       Any additional message you wish to share with the Hispanic Voter? As a businesswoman, I know how to deliver results and keep our government accountable. I will work with all voices to ensure opportunities for every child and member of our community.
5.       Tiene algun mensaje especial que desee compartir con los votantes Hispanos? Como mujer de negocios, se como obtener resultados y mantener a nuestro gobierno responsible. Trabajare con sus voces para asegurar oportuinidades para cada nino y cada integrante de nuestr comunidad.

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